Album printing in the visual image faithfully conveys the lingering beauty of form, texture, color and so on, with a sense of reality, easy to arouse people's interest and desire, and win people's trust from the visual and psychological aspects. In particular, some wing printing with beautiful appearance still dominates. Concrete graphics is a popular and easy to accept visual language in other forms. Using graphics to convey an idea or product information can not only enhance the image's expressiveness and persuasiveness, but also improve the image's compelling value, and can also convey fruitful results.
1. 注意效果:有效利用設計圖形的視覺效果來吸引讀者的注意。這種瞬間的強烈注意效果只能通過圖形來實現。
1. Attention effect: effectively use the visual effect of design graphics to attract readers' attention. This kind of instant strong attention effect can only be achieved through graphics.
2. 閱讀效果:好的平面設計能準確傳達主題,使讀者更容易理解和接受所傳達的信息。
2. Reading effect: a good graphic design can accurately convey the theme, making it easier for readers to understand and accept the information conveyed.
3. Induction effect: catch the curiosity of readers and attract their attention.
In Jinan album printing, abstract graphics have a wide range of expression, especially in modern technology products, because it has the factor of thick fragrance, it is more likely to express its essence with abstract graphics. In addition, it is difficult for some products with bad image or no specific image, or for some content and products to use concrete graphics to express. Abstract graphics can achieve better results. Source of this article: http://www.jingyinshua.com, for more information, please visit the website: http://www.jingyinshua.com