Handbags are bound after making and printing. Never underestimate the binding of handbags. It is very important. First, handbags should be beautiful and easy to read. Second, handbags should be durable so as to prevent excessive browsing time, splitting and page scattering.
Paper size is also called opposite opening. Paper is one-half of the size in full opening, opposite opening, four opening, eight opening and 16 opening. Handbags are usually 16 or 32 opening. Copper paper is used to publicize color pages.
Binding of Handbag
Binding refers to connecting printed brochures in order to make them firm, beautiful, readable and easy to preserve. Binding includes the processing of printed products, such as stamping, fillet, punching, etc.
Binding can be divided into two types: hardcover and paperback. Handbags are usually packed in paperback color, bound with silk thread, or decided on the inside page, and then soft cover is used on the outside page. Hard-bound books are usually used for printing thick books or high-end picture albums. They are first decided on the inside pages and then cardboard on the outside of the cover.
Handbag printing and binding is the definition of printed books to connect, make them strong, beautiful, readable and preserved. Binding also includes the processing of many other printed products, such as stamping, embossing, die cutting, cutting, rounded corners, line segments, paper bags, punching and so on.
If you have a certain understanding of the binding method, you can get twice the result with half the effort in designing the layout. The most commonly used binding methods in the office are flat (stapler) binding, apron binding, iron ring binding, folder loose-leaf binding, loose-leaf binding and hot-melt binding. Serious documents can be bound with hot-melt strips or hardbound bookcases as cover and back binding catheters. A large number of industrial binding methods in production include horseback binding, hot-melt binding, sewing (sewing) binding and hardcover binding.
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